Cutting firewood, cooking on a wood stove, "up the hill" to the outhouse, pumping water, maintenance projects, hosting visitors through two months of color changes, two full moons and just being in the forest with the critters.




Grand Lake

From The Lodge: Grand Lake on left, Shadow Mountain on right


Maintenance on an 80 year old cabin is a challenge and a joy.  Gil insists on doing everything by hand.  New varnish, new paint, deadwood out, repairs all around including the road.  Family and friends visit and get involved . . .

Gil and nephew Colin sanding

 Gil and son Shawn taking out a dead tree and then using it to repair a swing

                   Shawn's french drain 
         Old snow ramp replaced with new redwood ramp, Gil and brother Dennis

Clearing slash and more road repair, the work isn't always charming

Relocate native plants

                 Denny and 3 more tons of rock

Laci and Gil at the woodpile.  


One route to civilization is to cut across the park over the 12,000 foot continental divide.  We love it because inevitably we see dramatic peaks and valleys and elk along the way.

The lovely Lucille rides again, our Colorado wheels

Female Moose

Female Elk with their calves stashed in the trees to nap

Six bull elk still together, the rut has not begun.  

 Big Animal Fix 


More elk down in this valley (bottom right corner)

Bull left of center grassy area, love my zoom (Estes side of park)

Top of the world


We had a heavy calendar of friends and family

Shawn, Chloe, and Gil
we had to drag Shawn away from the projects and Chloe away from her whittling

Best ramen ever

            Barb & Dick just came by for lunch, greeted by this Marmot on the way in

The four pack - Denny, Darlene (D&D), Gil and Sharon (waiting for a table at The Lodge)

Worth the wait

Therese, our big supporter for all Colorado adventures

Laurie, niece, came and went by train - how easy is that?

Kati and Laci came the farthest, from Hungary  (really got into river wading)

Always nice to see Bill, Colin's dad


The North Inlet Trail 
I've been doing this 4 mile round trip hike for over 60 years and Gil at least 35 years.  

                                     Kati, GIl, Laci below Cascade Falls

                    Home turf, have had dozens of picnics on these very rocks

Hard working boy


We took a trip to the western border of the state since D&D were headed that way toward home.  Black Canyon of the Gunnison is a little known National Park that is quite dramatic.  We avoided the interstates, enjoyed weather, curves, and color.

We stayed overnight in Grand Junction as D&D went on their way.  We found a Home Depot for more supplies and a different route back, stopping in Glenwood Springs and a morning at the spa overlooking the Colorado River.

Iron Mountain Hot Springs Spa

Back through Vail Valley where the aspen hadn't changed much yet; soon to be a patchwork quilt of color


Closer to home, we made two excursions to this beautiful location, the first time to recon with D&D and the second to actually hike the perimeter of the lake with Kati and Laci.

Early colors (through the window)

Darlene snapping the osprey nest

Love my zoom, looks like an adult and fledgling

Gorgeous lake, knew we would come back with time to hike around

We spent a lot of time watching this moose family before moving on


Beaver pond across the inlet to lake

Big bull moose, he stomped down the mountain shortly after this shot and we all found trees to put between him and us - once the rut starts, they are really unpredictable. 

We fully earned a soak and we promised to send our friends home clean!

 Hot Sulpher Springs Spa (our favorite pool of 20+)

Time to go, fresh varnish, fresh paint.  Happy 80th birthday, 'ol girl.


  1. What fun to look at and remember our travels with you guys! So many great pics and memories!


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